Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal | ||||||||||
June, 2005, Vol. 7, No. 2 CONTENTS SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the mandibular angle fracture treatment methods Chemomechanical caries removal for children The response of peripheral blood neutrophils unstimulated and stimulated by prodigiosan to smoking Effectiveness evaluation of different suction systems Dietary and oral hygiene habits in children with type I Diabetes Mellitus related to dental caries © 2005 Stomatologija |
Stomatologija 2005; 7 (2): 35-39 444 KB Comparative Analysis of the effectiveness of the mandibular angle fracture treatment methods Dainius Razukevičius, Gintautas Sabalys, Ričardas Kubilius Summary 425 patients with mandibular angle fractures were treated at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine (HKUM) Clinic of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Treatment included the application of closed fracture fragments fixation methods (wire splint fixation, and Kirschner wire osteosynthesis), and methods of open fixation - osteosynthesis using the supra-periosteal miniplate, and osteosynthesis using supra-osseous Zes Pol plate (the latter method was modified by the authors). Relative computerized densitometry showed that closed fixation methods result in a faster healing of fractures. The findings of the pain threshold testing showed that open fixation methods more severely damage the function of the lower alveolar nerve. Using closed fixation methods, osteomyelitis occurred in 5.3% of cases, while using open fixation methods in 15.3% of cases. Thus, the authors of the article maintain that when mandibular angle fractures, in the presence of suitable conditions, closed fracture fragments fixation methods should be given a priority. Key words: treatment of mandibular angle fractures, damage to n. alveolaris inferior. Received: 17 04 2005 Accepted for publishing: 20 06 2005 *Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Kaunas Medical University
Gintautas Sabalys* - M.D.,, professor. Ričardas Kubilius* - D.D.S.,, professor, Head of Department of Maxillofacial Surgery.