Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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2023, Vol. 25, No. 1


© 2023 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2023; 25 (1): 21-5 204 KB

Comparative characteristics of the properties of dental implants depending on the design, shape and surface in the experiment

Dmytro Kaplun1, David Avetikov2, Кateryna Lokes2, Olena Ivanytska2


The aim of the study. Compare the properties of different dental implants depending on the design, shape and surface area in the experiment.

Materials and methods. Dental implants with similar sizes (5.5×10 mm) were selected: Vitaplant VPKS, Mega Gen AnyRidge and Alpha Dent Superior Active. The calculation of the total area of the implants was performed and the implants were immersed in a ferromagnetic substance.

Results and discussion. The small number of turns and their small length of the Vitaplant implant cannot create a large surface area (this size of the implant has an area of 174.7 mm2). On the thin, slightly conical body of the MegaGen implant (North Korea), the developer placed 10 turns of thread with wide blades. Due to the data design features, this implant has the largest surface area (276.5 mm2), which is an advantage in implant integration. The same number of turns (10) and a very similar frequency bring Alpha Dent implants (Germany) closer to the implant described above, but the design implements an innovative anti-rotation system. This implant size has a total surface area of 210.5 mm2.

Conclusions. The implant Vitaplant VPKS is inferior in efficiency of the geometry of the implant Mega Gen AnyRidge by 24%, and the implant Alpha Dent Superior Active in turn ahead of the efficiency of the representative of the Korean company by 8.9%. The shape of the geometry of the implant affects the effectiveness of counteracting the masticatory load more than its surface area.

Key words: shape of dental implant, efficiency of the geometry.

Received: 01 11 2022

Accepted for publishing: 24 03 2023

1Scientific and medical dental center «Cadis», Sumy, Ukraine

2Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Address correspondence to Olena Ivanyts'ka, Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine.

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