Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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March, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1


© 2014 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2014; 16 (1):15-8 203 KB

Do wisdom teeth induce lower anterior teeth crowding? A systematic literature review

Rūta Stanaitytė, Giedrė Trakinienė Albinas Gervickas


Objective. Individuals with dental crowding are the most frequent patients in the orthodontic practice.The purpose of this article is to find out if the lower third molars are the main reason of crowding in the lower dental arch. As well to find out other factors which can influence the lower incisors crowding.

Methods.The aim was to identify studies and reviews related to the effect of the lower third molars on the lower dental arch crowding. A literature survey was performed using Medline database. Used key words were lower third molar, influence of wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth and anterior crowding, lower dental arch changes. The articles from 1971 to 2011 related to topic were identified. Selected articles were published in dental journals in English. Full texts of the selected articles were analyzed. Articles about the dental crowding after orthodontic treatment were not included. All studies accomplished with human participants.

Results. It was found 223 articles but only 21 articles corresponded to selected criteria and were analyzed. This review is based on the investigations of 12 laboratory researchers, 4 clinical researches, 2 questionnaires and 3 literature reviews.

Conclusion. The results are quite contradictory: some authors support the opinion that lower third molars cause teeth crowding, the others confirm conversy. Exist other factors affecting the mandibular incisors crowding: dental (teeth crown size, dental arch length loss, poor periodontal status and primary teeth loss), skeletal (growth of the jaws and malocclusion) and general (age and gender).

Key words: lower third molar, wisdom teeth and anterior crowding, lower dental arch changes.

Received: 21 11 2012

Accepted for publishing: 21 03 2014

1Lithuanian Faculty of Odontology, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

2Department of Orthodontics, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

3Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Rūta Stanaitytė1 – student

Giedrė Trakinienė2 – D.D.S., orthodontist

Albinas Gervickas3 – D.D.S., PhD., assoc. prof.

Address correspondence to Rūta Stanaitytė, Faculty of Odontology, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.

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