Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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June, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 2



Investigation of Initial Implant Stability with Different Dental Implant Designs. A Pilot Study in Pig Ribs Using Resonance Frequency Analysis
35 - 39


Oral Health and Children Attitudes Among Mothers and Schoolteachers in Belarus
40 - 43

Oral Health Behaviour of Adolescents: a Comparative Study in 35 Countries
44 - 50


Dental Implant Design and Biological Effects on Bone-Implant Interface
51 - 54


Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Changes of Blood Neutrophil Leukocytes Among Patients Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Periodontal Diseases
55 - 58

Retrospection - Analysis of Patients Treated by the Endodontist
59 - 62

© 2004 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2004; 6 (2): 55-8 253 KB

Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Changes of Blood Neutrophil Leukocytes Among Patients Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Periodontal Diseases

Jurgina Sakalauskiene, Egle Ivanauskiene, Gediminas Zekonis, Juozas Zilinskas


The aim of this work was to investigate secretion function of peripheral venous blood neutrophil leukocytes (NL) in the effect of stimulators of bacterial origin: E. coli, S. aureus, opsonized zymozan for patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (1 TDM) and periodontal disease, patients with periodontal disease without systematic pathology and healthy donors. Activity of NL degranulation was analyzed for 32 patients with 1 TDM, 37 patients with periodontal disease and somatically healthy. 35 healthy donors, with healthy periodontal tissues formed the control group.

Neutrophil leukocytes, that are affected by stimulators of bacterial origin in non-cellular environment among patients with 1 TDM and periodontal disease, without generic diseases secrete considerably higher amount (p= 0,001) of alkaline phosphates than neutrophil leukocytes of patients without periodontal disease in analogical medium.

Neutrophil leukocytes affected by microbial origin stimuli in non cellular environment, can release lysosomic ferments which might cause destruction of periodontal tissue.

Key words: neutrophil leukocytes, alkaline phosphatase, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (1 TDM).

Received: 02 02 2004

Accepted for publishing: 20 05 2004

Jurgina Sakalauskiene - D.D.S., PhD,, Clinic of Prosthetic Denstistry, Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania.

Egle Ivanauskiene – D.D.S.,, Clinic of Prosthetic Denstistry, Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania.

Gediminas Zekonis - D.D.S., PhD,, Clinic of Prosthetic Denstistry, Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania.

Juozas Zilinskas - D.D.S., Odontologic Clinic, private practice, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Address correspondence to Dr.Jurgina Sakalauskiene, Clinic of Prosthetic Dentistry, Sukileliu 51, Kaunas, Lithuania.