Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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June, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 2



Investigation of Initial Implant Stability with Different Dental Implant Designs. A Pilot Study in Pig Ribs Using Resonance Frequency Analysis
35 - 39


Oral Health and Children Attitudes Among Mothers and Schoolteachers in Belarus
40 - 43

Oral Health Behaviour of Adolescents: a Comparative Study in 35 Countries
44 - 50


Dental Implant Design and Biological Effects on Bone-Implant Interface
51 - 54


Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Changes of Blood Neutrophil Leukocytes Among Patients Suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Periodontal Diseases
55 - 58

Retrospection - Analysis of Patients Treated by the Endodontist
59 - 62

© 2004 Stomatologija

Stomatologija 2004; 6 (2): 40-3 253 KB

Oral Health and Children Attitudes Among Mothers and Schoolteachers in Belarus

Bondarik Elena, Leous Petr


The aims of the present study were 1) to collect basic data of dental status of 6 and 12 years old in Belarussian urban and rural areas and monitoring of dental status 2) to analyse oral health habits of schoolchildren and mothers according to urbanization 3) to find out the relation between mother’s educational background and children’s oral health habits and also impact on their own dental knowledge, attitudes and practices 4) to reveal the differences of teacher’s dental knowledge level in comparison with mother’s.

Epidemiological survey was performed at all 6 areas of Belarus. It included as urban as rural areas participation, the subjects for the study were chosen at random. According to the objects of this study, investigation comprised: 1) dental status examination of 2054 6-years old and 1988 12-years old children assessed by DMFT, OHI-S, GI indexes 2) self-administered questioning of 1666 mothers and 244 primary school teachers 3) statistical processing and analyzing of conducted data using ANOVA.

The family is responsible for children life style behavior and habits and represents the primary information about oral health. One way to contribute increasing of oral health awareness of children would provide the up-to-date oral health information, education and motivation of parents. At the same time, the primary schools have great potential for children oral health habits formation due to considerable time are spent in school by children. Results of present investigation show that adult’s oral health habits and level of dental knowledge are key information in realization of children oral health programme.

Key words: preventive programme, caries, periodontal diseases, oral health education.

Received: 15 03 2004

Accepted for publishing: 25 05 2004

Bondarik E - D.D.S., assistant at Department of Concervative Dentistry, Belarusian Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Leous P - D.D.S., Dr. hab. med., professor at Department of Concervative Dentistry, Belarusian Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Address correspondence to Dr.E.Bondarik, Belarusian Medical University, Minsk, Belarus.