Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
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Stomatologija 2003; 5 (2): 57-61 221 KB

Oral Health Status of Pregnant Women

Ingrida Vasiliauskiene


The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease among pregnant women and also to evaluate the status of oral hygiene.

The prevalence and severity of caries was evaluated, having estimated DMFS and DMFT. The prevalence of periodontal diseases and the degree of severity was evaluated by CPITN index, gums by Silness-Loė (GI) index, oral hygiene by OHI-S (according to Green-Vermillion) index.

1070 pregnant 15-45 years old women, visitors of Kaunas women and family clinics were examined. The prevalence of caries was 99.9%; DMFS 19.47± 0.316 (10.33), DMFT 12.065± 0.106 (3.485).

The prevalence of periodontal diseases was 93.09%. The composition of CPITN: 6.91% healthy periodontium (code 0), 15.14% – bleeding on probing (code 1), 58.60% – supragingival and subgingival calculus (code 2), 18.97% – periodontal pockets 4–5 mm depth (code 3), 0.37% – gum pockets 6 mm and more depth (code 4).

The oral hygiene of the examined women was satisfactory; the mean of OHI-S was 1.51±0.017 (0.542).

The mean of Silness-Loė gum index was 1.48± 0.021 (0.69).

Key words: pregnant women, DMFT, DMFS, the prevalence of dental caries, oral hygiene.

Address correspondence to Dr.I.Vasiliauskiene: Luksos-Daumanto 6, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Received: 22 03 2003

Accepted for publishing: 27 06 2003