Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal
Main page Editorial board Information

2003, Vol. 5, No. 1


Analysis of Experimental and Clinical Research of Destruction of Peripheral Branches of the Trigeminal Nerve

Electrophoresis of Whole-cell Soluble Proteins of Enterococcus faecalis and Yeast Isolated in the Root Canals of Previously Root-filled Teeth

Pharyngeal Airway Sagittal Dimension in Patients with Class III Skeletal Dentofacial Deformity Before and After Bimaxillary Surgery

Late Results of the Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients

Prediction of Malocclusion Development Based on the Evaluation of the Ethiologic Factors

Analysis of Tooth Size Discrepancy (Bolton Index) among Patients of Orthodontic Clinic at Kaunas Medical University

Oral Hygiene Habits and Complaints of Gum Bleeding Among Schoolchildren in Lithuania

© 2003, Stomatologija

At last the dream becomes tangible reality as a great surprise to many.

In December 2002, the joint meeting between the representatives and doctors practitioners of Lithuanian and Latvian academic societies took place in Kaunas. It was decided to publish together the scientific peer-reviewed journal “Stomatologija” and to invite the colleagues from Estonia to join as well.

I would like to present to my dear readers this excellent result of united action of consciousness – the journal “Stomatologija”. International title: Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal.

The purpose of this union is the continuous exchange in the latest scientific, experimental and other information among three Baltic States in the sphere of odontology and maxillofacial surgery. Besides, it will open a window to the international professional community, and will introduce it to conceptual scientific novelties born in these Baltic States.

I know that we strive for active and professional communication with the European and world specialists; we wish to share our experience, to perfect our skills and to keep up with international tendencies in science.

I think that our chosen medium will become an excellent space to cherish our ideas.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate everybody who works and who is resolved to work in various scientific programs. I invite you to co-operate in the environment of mutual understanding and to publish prepared works in the journal “Stomatologija”.

I encourage you not to ignore this choice.

Present your scientific and other ideas, suggest means of support, and promote the journal in other countries. This will increase the possibilities for the journal to anchor successfully in various international scientific knowledge and information databases.

I wish you all the success in your work, our co-operation and personal life.

With best regards,

Juozas Zilinskas
